11-08 6964人
1991沉默的羔羊 The Silence of the Lambs IMDb:8.6
1992落水狗 Reservoir Dogs IMDb:8.4
1993辛德勒的名单 Schindler's List IMDb:8.9
1994肖申克的救赎 The Shawshank Redemption IMDb:9.3
1995七宗罪 Se7en IMDb:8.6
1996冰血暴 Fargo IMDb:8.2
1997美丽人生 La vita è bella IMDb:8.6
1998拯救大兵瑞恩 Saving Private Ryan IMDb:8.6
1999搏击俱乐部 Fight Club IMDb:8.9
2000记忆碎片 Memento IMDb:8.5
2001指环王1:魔戒再现 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring IMDb:8.8
2002指环王2:双塔奇兵 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers IMDb:8.7
2003指环王3:王者无敌 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King IMDb:8.9
2004暖暖内含光 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind IMDb:8.4
2005蝙蝠侠:侠影之谜 Batman Begins IMDb:8.3
2006无间道风云 The Departed IMDb:8.5
2007荒野生存 Into the Wild IMDb:8.2
2008蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士 The Dark Knight IMDb:9.0
2009无耻混蛋 Inglourious Basterds IMDb:8.3
2010盗梦空间 Inception IMDb:8.8
2011触不可及 The Intouchables IMDb:8.6
2012被解救的姜戈 Django Unchained IMDb:8.5
2013华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street IMDb:8.2
2014星际穿越 Interstellar IMDb:8.7
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